Product Categories
Featured Categories
Double- Sided Branded Wood Lid Thermal Flask (600ml)
KSh 2,100.00 -
Engraved Thermal Mugs (650mls)
KSh 2,300.00 -
Branded A4 Jute Bags (min 50)
KSh 610.00 – KSh 31,250.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Exclusive Giftset (keyholder, a pen, a notebook and a thermal flask)
KSh 4,700.00 -
Branded Cargo Overalls
KSh 3,250.00 – KSh 34,000.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Branded A4 Diaries 2025
KSh 2,350.00 -
Customized 2025 A5 Diaries
KSh 1,600.00 -
Customized 2025 A5 Diaries
KSh 1,600.00 -
Branded Quality Hoodies (No cut)
KSh 2,500.00 -
Branded Normal Pen (50 pieces)
KSh 51.00 – KSh 3,000.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Engraved ECO-Friendly Gift Sets
KSh 4,700.00 -
Branded Umbrellas
KSh 1,350.00 -
Branded Spoon Mug
KSh 800.00 -
KSh 2,000.00 -
Branded Desk Calendar
KSh 700.00
Branded Leather A4 Diaries 2025
KSh 2,500.00 -
Engraved Leather A4 Diaries 2025
KSh 2,500.00 -
Double- Sided Branded Wood Lid Thermal Flask (600ml)
KSh 2,100.00 -
Branded Brown Wooden Thermal Flask (750ml)
KSh 2,100.00 -
Branded Blue Wooden Thermal Flask (600ml)
KSh 2,000.00 -
Double Side Branded LED Thermal Flasks
KSh 2,200.00 -
Both Side Customized Thermal Flask 500mls
KSh 2,050.00 -
One Side Branded Thermal Flask 500mls
KSh 1,900.00 -
One Side Branded Thermal Flask 500mls
KSh 1,900.00 -
Branded Jute bags A3 Colored
KSh 740.00 – KSh 38,000.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Double Sided Branded Jute bags A3 Colored
KSh 810.00 – KSh 41,500.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Engraved Thermal Mugs (650mls)
KSh 2,300.00 -
Double Sided Engraved Thermal Mugs (650mls)
KSh 2,400.00 -
Double Sided Customized Thermal Mugs (650mls)
KSh 2,400.00 -
One Sided Customized Thermal Mugs (650mls)
KSh 2,300.00 -
Double Sided branded Thermal Mug
KSh 2,150.00 -
Double Sided branded Thermal Mugs
KSh 2,150.00 -
Custom Printed Thermal Mugs (850ml)
KSh 1,950.00 -
Branded Thermal Mugs (850ml)
KSh 2,000.00 -
Branded Jute bag A4 Size (50min)
KSh 510.00 – KSh 26,250.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Customized Jute bag A3 Size (50min)
KSh 655.00 – KSh 33,750.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Embroidered A4 Jute Bags (Min 50)
KSh 640.00 – KSh 33,000.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Branded A4 Jute Bags (min 50)
KSh 610.00 – KSh 31,250.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Embroidered A4 Jute Bags (Min 50)
KSh 710.00 – KSh 36,500.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Branded A3 Jute Bags (min 50)
KSh 760.00 – KSh 38,750.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Non Woven Bags A3,A4&A5 (100min)
KSh 2,200.00 – KSh 3,000.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Non Woven Bags A3,A4&A5 (100min)
KSh 2,700.00 – KSh 3,500.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Exclusive Giftset (keyholder, a pen, a notebook and a thermal flask)
KSh 4,700.00 -
Exclusive Giftset
KSh 4,700.00 -
Branded Cargo Overalls
KSh 3,250.00 – KSh 34,000.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Customized Cargo Overalls
KSh 3,250.00 – KSh 34,000.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
A5 Band Notebook
KSh 950.00 -
Branded Two Tone mugs
KSh 700.00 -
Notebook & Pen Gift Set
KSh 1,900.00 -
Branded Notebook & Pen Gift Set
KSh 1,900.00 -
Branded Wood-Lid Flask
KSh 1,900.00 -
Branded Wood-Lid Flask
KSh 1,900.00 -
Customizable Thermal Flasks (500ml)
KSh 1,900.00 -
Customizable Thermal Flasks (500ml)
KSh 1,900.00 -
Branded Skin-Feel Thermal Flask (750ml)
KSh 2,150.00 -
Skin-Feel Thermal Flask (750ml)
KSh 2,150.00 -
Branded Wood Lid Thermal Flask
KSh 1,950.00 -
Branded Wood Lid Thermal Flask (600ml)
KSh 1,950.00 -
Engraved Corporate Gift-Set
KSh 4,940.00 -
Branded Gift-Set
KSh 4,940.00 -
Classic Eco-Friendly Gift Set
KSh 4,750.00 -
Classic Eco-Friendly Gift Set
KSh 4,700.00 -
Branded LED Thermal Flasks
KSh 2,050.00 -
Customized LED Thermal Flask
KSh 1,950.00 -
Smooth Edge Professional B/S Cards (100 pieces)
KSh 3,800.00 -
Professional Business Cards (100 pieces)
KSh 3,700.00 -
Gloss Business Cards (100 pieces)
KSh 1,500.00 -
Matte Business Cards (100 pieces)
KSh 1,500.00 -
Non-Laminated Business Cards (100 pieces)
KSh 1,000.00 -
Laminated Soft Touch B/S (100 pieces)
KSh 1,400.00 -
Soft Touch Business Cards (100 pieces)
KSh 1,500.00 -
Wooden Metallic Keyring (10min)
KSh 3,800.00 – KSh 4,200.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Wooden Key Rings (10)
KSh 3,000.00 – KSh 3,600.00 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Wood Desk Organizer
KSh 3,600.00 -
Rectangular Crystal Award
KSh 5,600.00